STENCH COLLECTOR opens up the split with "Daemon Rat Onanism" - the
final recorded output from the duo. Sadly, the band's guitarist/vocalist
Mark Pechack passed away unexpectedly last year before he could see
this split come into fruition. As Mark would have wanted, we release it
now in his honor. If you love 90s, no frills, heavy-as-balls, American
death metal, then this beefy slab of festering rot will arouse and
obliterate your senses. Featuring a guest guitar solo by Luke Cazares of
Big Daddy Gore's very own SEEP closes out the split with his latest
since releasing the "Hymns to the Gore" album last summer. The
delightful ditty is named "Arcane Torture" and it stylistically runs the
gamut from knuckle dragging death / doom to groovy stomp to mournful
funeral doom in its 6 minute runtime. The infamous David Torturdod of
UNDERGANG makes a guest vocal appearance mid-way through the track.
More than ever the Gurgling Gore slogan rings true: "life is
temporary... death metal is forever!" Tell those you care about that you
love them. Tomorrow is never promised.