Kategorie produktu:Nowości w sklepiePłyty CDThrash Metal
EXORCIZPHOBIA is back with new LP! The album is titled “Spiritual Exodus“ and in many ways continues where its predecessor “Digitotality“ from 2020 ends. Through the themes as reincarnation (Reflections, Ring-Pass-Not or Through a Glass Darkly, which is musicalized poem of general George S. Patton), altered states of consciousness (Initiation) or alternative points of view on our reality (Down The Rabbit Hole, Those Who Oppose), finding itself in the atmosphere of combining the ancient and current. The aesthetics of this aproach is even audible. Old school fashioned thrash metal is combined with modern and distinctive touch. The whole record concludes in seven plus minutes long instrumental called “Tiwanaku“ which links the music with fantastic artwork made by Paolo Girardi.