DROWNING - Age Old Nemesis CD

  • DROWNING - Age Old Nemesis CD
30,00 zł
/ szt.
Kategorie produktu:Nowości w sklepiePłyty CD
Producent:Bones Brigade

Debituancki album francuskiego zespołu grającego ultra mroczny i ciężki brutalny death metal inspirowany MORBID ANGEL, KRISIUN, ANGEL CORPSE, IMMOLATION, SADISTIC INTENT, INCANTATION!

Recenzja z Asice.net:
Cause the original promo package got lost in the mail it took a while before I could finally listen to the new Drowning CD…. But here it is, and I'm glad these guys were so kind to ship another one. "Age Old Nemesis" is pure death metal and brutal as hell, yes that's right not metalcore or hardcore but death metal and I like it. And why? Well cause it reminds me of the death metal bands in the early days, when I used to listen to that shit. (Think early Morbid Angel with a lil' Deicide touch.) From track 1 till track 10 Drowning manages to keep my attention, and that's a big compliment considering that I hardly ever listen to death metal anymore cause normally I fall asleep listening to the "new" death metal bands. The production is good and I know for sure that if you used to listen to death metal bands like the before mentioned that you will like this one too. In other words: Satisfaction Guaranteed, for death metal fans…

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