GRIND INC - Lynch And Dissect CD

  • GRIND INC - Lynch And Dissect CD
30,00 zł
/ szt.
Kategorie produktu:Płyty CD

Czwarta, najbrutalniejsza jak dotąd płyta niemieckiego GRIND INC to bezkompromisowy death metal, który przypadnie do gustu fanom takich nazw jak SUFFOCATION, MISERY INDEX czy DYING FETUS.

"Lynch and dissect" to bezlitosne metalowe tornado!

Though having been in existence for the better part of a decade and now releasing their fifth full-length album, Germany’s Grind Inc is a new death metal act for me. But after hearing Lynch and Dissect, you can bet I’ll be scouring the internet for their back catalog.
Plying a form of chunky, brutal death metal, Grind Inc isn’t doing anything new or original, but man, are they pummeling, mostly due to drummer Adriano Ricci (of 90s melo-death act Night In Gales) who literally beats his kit into submission for the album's 43-minute duration; often regardless of the riffs being played.
Armed with a chunky, almost Belgian/Tue Madsen-sounding production, the assault’s heaviness is compounded, and the largely Floridian-paced material is rendered beefier and groovier than their more finesse-oriented US counterparts. Christoph Mieves has an early earthy Chris Barnes growl -- nothing fancy, but it’s fitting. The end result is a very satisfying death metal album that pulls no punches or makes no pretenses about being anything other than bludgeoning death metal.
Though littered with plenty of hefty grooves, the majority of the album is blasting merciless pace --  though never a Unique Leader-styled attack. But often, even if the guitars are plying a sick lumber (“Lynch and Dissect”), Ricci is hammering the kick drum. None of the 9 fairly long tracks really command your attention, but the album is pretty intense from start to finish, and you for sure know you’ve listened to a good death metal album when it's all said and done. That being said, the tracks with slower moments like “Beyond Recognition” – the album's most controlled grooving track -- and the otherwise blistering “Decimate” and “Praise the Light” are just balls-out heavy, even if the songs are a bit long and get a tad redundant in their later stages, as does the album (though “The Debate From Within” does close things impressively).
In all, a very solid death metal album from a band I look forward to hearing more of as I collect their four other albums to satiate my no-nonsense brutal chunky, death metal fix.

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