DISRUPTERS - Generation Retard CD

  • DISRUPTERS - Generation Retard CD
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Kategorie produktu:Płyty CD

Sławna polityczna anarchopunkowa grupa z lat -80tych powraca z pierwszą płytą od 25 lat!

15 nowych, oryginalnych utworów, 100% nowy materiał!

The Disrupters were formed in late 1980 in Norwich, UK.
Originally influenced by the early punk bands of the late 70s (Sex Pistols, Ramones, The Clash etc) the band were becoming increasingly drawn to the anarchist scene.
Things started early for The Disrupters with Crass including an early demo version of the song “Napalm” on their 1st “Bullshit Detector” lp.
In 1981 the band entered Whitehouse Studios in Norwich to record their 1st real recording session. The 3 tracks laid down that day became the “Young Offender” 7”. The record was a surprise hit in the indie charts and far
outsold the bands expectations. This initial release began a working relationship with Backs Records in the running of Radical Change Records, a label dedicated to the promotion of punk/anarchist bands.
Initially The Disrupters had a few hiccups finding the right combo of band members but from 1983-88 they settled with founder members Bangkok Steve (aka Steve Hansell) (Vocals) and Kevin Wymer (Drums) along with Paul Greener (Guitar). Steve Hough (Bass) and Prem Nick (spoken word tracks).
The band liked to mix actions with words and were actively involved in various elements of direct action, sometimes ending in arrest and court appearances.

The Disrupters were a highly political anarcho-punk formed in Norwich in 1980. An early demo sent to Crass saw them appearing on the first Bullshit Detector album. In 1981 the band formed their own label Radical Change, released the classic Young Offender 7” and a futher three singles and two albums as well as records by other bands including Icon AD, Revulsion, Self Abuse etc

The Disrupters finally split in late 1988 after an 8 year existence feeling somewhat jaded by what they then perceived as a bitchy and divided scene.

In 2005 Overground released a Disrupters retrospective album Gas The Punx, the album was well received and requests started pouring in for the band to reform. However, it wasn’t until they were asked to reform and perform at Feeding Of The 5000 in 2007 supporting Steve Ignorant at Shepherd’s Bush Empire that vocalist and founder member Steve Hansell agreed - “turning down the gig was never an option”. Their performance was a huge success, offers for more gigs poured in and the band ventured back into the studio.

So, in 2011 Generation Retard is released, the first Disrupters album for 25 years. Steve Hansell explains: “reforming the Disrupters has never been about ‘nostalgia’ as far as I'm concerned but more picking up where I left off... The album has been over 2 years in the making. It's not always been an easy album to make but the end result is something we are proud of. Musically it's the tightest thing we've recorded. A criticism often aimed at bands like us is that we don't update our message. We have tried to address this with this album. The album's main themes are religion and the abuse of power. There are also a couple of songs about child murderers, corporate crime and some personal stuff that I've never really touched on before in my lyrics.”

“In places it is a dark album, but we live in dark times........”

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