CRYPT ROT - An Ancient Summoning KASETA (GREEN)

  • CRYPT ROT - An Ancient Summoning KASETA (GREEN)
  • CRYPT ROT - An Ancient Summoning KASETA (GREEN)
30,00 zł
/ szt.
Crypt Rot lean more towards the brutal end of the death metal spectrum than other bands on the Dry Cough roster, and if you happened to catch their self-titled 3 track tape released on F.H.E.D. & Frozen Screams, then you probably have an inkling that this will absolutely pulverize you. Clocking in at a little over half an our, An Ancient Summoning is made up of seven tracks stuffed full of relentless, blasting drums, huge, rancid riffs, and demonic gutteral vocals; plus guest appearances from several well known names in the death metal underworld, all smashed together to create a satisfyingly hefty, frenzied beast of an album
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