Kategorie produktu:Nowości w sklepieWydawnictwa SelfmadegodPłyty CDGrindcoreFLUIDSTROCAR
Kolekcja: FLUIDS
Debiutancki album amerykańskiego zespołu złożonego z muzyków FLUIDS. 17 utworów bezlitosnego i ultra szybkiego cybergrind/goregrind inspirowanego takimi zespołami jak AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED, REGURGITATE, CATTLE DECAPITATION, EXHUMED, THE BERZERKER...
TROCAR began in 2021 as a collaborative project between Fluids mastermind Jan Grotle and radio host Schuler Benson. While the initial objective was to combine choice chunks of Regurgitate's Sickening Bliss and Nailbomb's Point Blank, Trocar quickly became a more eclectic endeavor, pulling from grind, d-beat, industrial metal, and harsh noise. Rounded out by Fluids producer Walter Hale, the band released their demo Four Forfeit Digits in 2022 on Scum Lord Distro, followed by the debut single "Wonders Cease," a six-plus minute collision of grindcore intensity, somber melody, and haunting electronic overtones that drew comparisons to Exhumed, Cattle Decapitation, and Godflesh. Trocar forged ahead with two new releases in 2023: White Room Torture (Night Shift Merch), a split with Detroit death metal iconoclasts Jesus Wept, and Piecemeal (Rectal Purulence), a punk-tinged two-song EP. Trocar recently completed their debut album Extremities, a sonic specimen bag of sebum-greased, tooth-grinding, nail-shredding confessions, apologies, and indictments. Extremities features guest performances by Frank Albanese (Hath), Greg Nottis (Hath), Jamie Stewart (The Absence, Hot Graves), and filmmaker Ryan Twyford-Rigley. It will be released on CD in 2024 by Selfmadegod Records.