DESTROYER ATTACK - Ominous Devotion CD

  • DESTROYER ATTACK - Ominous Devotion CD
35,00 zł
/ szt.
Dark and Destructive Death Black Metal!! Chaos is manifested in this new opus entitled Ominous Devotion, this production is the reflection of the transition between life and death, an internal journey through madness, pain, suffering, hidden in the most hidden part of the mind of man, where his most aberrant and strange desires dwell - even his desire to finally succumb - this is a tribute to the South American underground, pure influence for this duo who unleash an aberrant sound with raw riffs and drums like a machine gun. that drive the most infamous act of death. 9 hymns are part of this infamous piece, which includes a cover of the Sarcofago gods.
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Jeżeli powyższy opis jest dla Ciebie niewystarczający, prześlij nam swoje pytanie odnośnie tego produktu. Postaramy się odpowiedzieć tak szybko jak tylko będzie to możliwe.

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