Jedyny duży album niesamowitego jednoosobowego zespołu z Kanady; 4 utwory w 35 minut. Bluźnierczy średnioszybki death metal w stylu wczesnych lat '90-tych!!!
(...) the album is made of only 4 tracks but their total playing time is 35 minutes. Mostly slow paced Death Metal with occasional fast passages, Demonolator's music takes you back to the beginning of the '90's; it's raw, low-tuned, unpolished and sounds like recorded in one take. The vocals are the best part of this album, through their expressiveness they manage to create a decaying, putrefying atmosphere specific only to a few bands of the '90' s. If you're into '90's demo tapes this might make your day; although I'm a fan of Finnish Death Metal and this band is somehow following a similar path, I managed to dig and really enjoy it after the second spin so you might want to be patient with them too, it might pay off in the end. - Pest Webzine