CONDOR - El Valle del Condor CD

  • CONDOR - El Valle del Condor CD
30,00 zł
/ szt.
Producent:La Caverna

Czwarty album kolumbijskiego zespołu grającego mieszankę death metalu oraz klasycznego doom/heavy!

"Cóndor, (with members of Siete Lagunas), play a beguiling and personable mix of death metal and classic doom/heavy metal, at least musically. Vocally, we’re firmly in the territory of formidably daemonic harsh growls for most of the time, (we also get the occasional spoken word part and clean singing on the final song, the folky title track)" - wonderboxmetal

"‘El Valle del Cóndor’ delivers upon the promising structural growth of the band without losing the loose, free movement of past releases. There is feeling and grandeur in tracks like “Gudrun” and especially “Santa Rosa des Osos” that lingers and continues developing in the mind beyond the act of listening that I find rare in this type of melodically focused death doom. It is a small additional layer of appeal for an already unique and well realized stylistic conception that the band have become further capable of writing wholly memorable compositions..." - grizzlybutts

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