NOOTHGRUSH - Live For Nothing CD

  • NOOTHGRUSH - Live For Nothing CD
48,00 zł
/ szt.

18 utworów nagranych na żywo w dwóch stacjach radiowych: KZSU w Stanford, Kalifornia (1996) oraz KFJC w Los Altos Hills Kalifornia (1999).

NOOTHGRUSH to pełen bólu i wkurwienia maksymalnie wolny i ciężki sludge/doom z USA! Coś jak skrzyżowanie WINTER i HAWKWIND.

Muzycy NOOTHGRUSH przez lata grali w takich w takich zespołach jak GRAVES AT SEA, DYSTOPIA, ASUNDER, GHOUL, PHOBIA, WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM etc.

The now legendary Noothgrush, from the Bay area, was birthed in the spring of 1994 by founding members Gary Niederhoff on Bass and Chiyo Nukaga on drums. Over the next year, the band had various other members including Matt Harvey (Exhumed, Repulsion) on 2nd guitar. It wasn t until guitarist Russ Kent joined in early 1995 that the classic Noothgrush lineup was complete. The band played 145 shows, toured the U.S. and Quebec for 7 weeks, did numerous west coast, southwest tours with various bands such as Corrupted, Seized, Wisigoth, Dystopia, Hellchild, and Black Army Jacket... to name a few. They played the legendary Fiesta Grande Festival three times and most often at the infamous 924 Gilman St. club in Berkeley, CA. Over the years, they also played with many great bands such as Grief, Man is the Bastard, Suffocation, Burning Witch, Grave, His Hero Is Gone, High On Fire, Weakling, Asunder, etc. Noothgrush was well known for their consistently bludgeoning assault, played at slow as boiling tar tempos.

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